The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 7 will bring situations to pivot abruptly or come to a sudden, unceremonious halt. It is intense and impacts everything including love where surprising information can come showing you the true colors of someone. You will either take the relationship forward or abruptly end it but make no mistake that it will be extreme!
Here is how the eclipse will impact all sun signs
Aries: Money matters, security and personal values are still front and center with this eclipse. Over the next few weeks or even six months, you may have to stand up for some of your most deeply held principles. Existing relationships could take a turn for the permanent and vagueness won’t work. It will either be next steps or a good bye!
Taurus: On the career front, your efforts to fruition or a turning point. This one is an acknowledgement of all your dedication and labors of the past six months. Don’t be humble, Bull. Step into the spotlight and take a bow! Believe it when friends and colleagues tell you how unique your talent, wisdom and devotion are! Savor the pleasure that comes from a job well done. Plan your next lofty goal, Taurus.
Gemini: The November 8 Taurus full moon—also an activating lunar eclipse—lights up your twelfth house of rest, release and introspection on November 8. You could get some brilliant downloads and have a creative or spiritual breakthrough. But you won’t appreciate it (or maybe even notice it) if you’re always around other people and going, going, going. Eliminate non-obligatory events from your calendar and improvise. What can you reschedule, and what can simply be crossed off the list? Make this all about rest and rejuvenation if you don’t want the burn out!
Cancer: This eclipse is liable to be downright game-changing! It will bring about turning points or completions and, because it illuminates previously hidden dimensions and delivers an unexpected twist.
During the next two weeks, a group project might reach an impressive climax, plus you could get excited all over again about some fresh #SquadGoals. Rally the troops for a shared victory lap and soak up the attention and satisfaction that comes from hard-earned success. But keep your gaze on the road ahead. This could be the start of a whole new chapter, one that positions you for leadership. Give a lot of thought to what you want out of this, and don’t hesitate to make that big ask!
Leo: Your tenth house of ambition gets fired up. Think back to April 30’s black moon solar (new moon) eclipse in Taurus. Seeds you planted around that time may finally be ready to harvest. An eclipse in your house of public recognition gives you a clear mandate to promote this major accomplishment in a super-strategic way. if you’ve been laboring away on a project and wondering when it will finally be finished (or acknowledged). If there were some answers or missing pieces that you have been looking for on a project or a work related assignment, chances are over the next two weeks you may have them.
Virgo: Your ninth house of travel, expansion and adventure is in focus with this eclipse. If you’ve been spinning your wheels or have gotten sick and tired of waiting for someone to green-light a project or weigh in on your work, be proactive! Let them know you can’t move forward until you hear from them, and if a response isn’t forthcoming. You will be aching to explore online deals and for a lot of you, it may be that you actually plan a travel for adventure purposes out of nowhere!
Libra: This eclipse amps up your eighth house of seduction and eroticism. Emotions get dialed way up under this intensifying energy, and you may not be able to quiet your feelings or desires—and why would you WANT to? If you are in a relationship or beginning to see someone new, then put that work on a back burner and dial up that lethargic libido, deepen the union in any or all ways you can! Put a racy plan together, elope with your SO or just hang the DND sign out on the door and forget the world. If some of you only want the physical aspect, spell it outright and clearly to avoid fireworks later. It is a time for sexual healing for you Libras!
Scorpio: This lunar eclipse lights up your seventh house of partnerships! This intense eclipse will show you that you’re ready to commit to an exclusive relationship, put a ring on it or call the whole thing off. Make no mistake that from now to next two weeks, this is intense! This lunar lift will bring opportunities to rebalance the scales in any dynamic duos that are feeling less than dynamic. Single? Keep a very open mind for the rest of the month (and year!). You could meet someone who floats your boat yet is totally different from your usual type.
Sagittarius: This eclipse powers up your methodical sixth house and helps you rein in the chaos and overload. There’s no shortage of parties and other gatherings, and perhaps a portion of your workload can be delegated or outsourced. Sometime during the next two weeks, take a realistic look at your to-do list and assess which things you can let go of. This could signal a raise, promotion or plum assignment. And since the sixth house also rules wellness, give higher priority to self-care.
Capricorn: This eclipse is turbo-charging your fifth house of romance, creativity and fame! If you’re an artist or performer, this lunar lift could herald one of the most exciting, important starting blocks of 2022. Even if you don’t “hit the big time,” you’ll have an all-access pass to your muse PLUS the magnetism to draw an appreciative audience. In a solid or unfolding love relationship, the spirit might move you to bare your soul and let someone know how you feel (and what you want). Unattached? It’s possible your crush is equally interested—and equally shy!
Aquarius: This potent lunar eclipse—lands in your fourth house of kith and kin. Big changes are in the pipeline: a relocation, major reno or a change of roommates. But for others, the shifts will be much subtler and more internal, causing you to ruminate on your most important relationships and living situation. In manifesting Taurus, it can illuminate the calming, beautiful oasis you want your home to be. If you’ve been considering moving, selling or buying property, eclipse season 2022 is the time to get serious about it.
Pisces: This eclipse lands in your joyful ninth house and reboots your optimistic, broad-minded outlook on life. Traveling both for business and pleasure could expand your horizons in every way—and you may set off on this voyage faster than expected. this eclipse could shoot you into back-to-school mode, be it a degree program, weekend workshop or an online course.
Feeling enterprising? Whether you’re signing your own paychecks or working as a hired gun, you’re ready for expansion and greater independence.